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Exoplanet HD 189733b

 b is an extrasolar planet approximately  Exoplanet HD 189733b

HD 189733 b is an extrasolar planet approximately 63 light-years away from the Solar System in the constellation of Vulpecula. The planet was discovered orbiting the star HD 189733 A on October 5, 2005, when astronomers in France observed the planet transiting across the face of the star. With a mass 13% higher than that of Jupiter, HD 189733 b orbits its host star once every 2.2 days at an orbital speed of 152.5 kilometres per second (341,000 mph), making it a hot Jupiter with poor prospects for extraterrestrial life. Being the closest transiting hot Jupiter to Earth, HD 189733 b is a subject for extensive atmospheric examination. HD 189733 b was the first extrasolar planet for which a thermal map was constructed, to be detected through polarimetry, to have its overall color determined (deep blue), to have a transit detected in X-ray spectrum and to have carbon dioxide detected in its atmosphere.

In July, 2014, NASA announced finding very dry atmospheres on three exoplanets (HD 189733b, HD 209458b, WASP-12b) orbiting Sun-like stars.

Image Credit: NASA
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